Five Clues That Your API isn't RESTful
- It has a single endpoint (all requests are made to
- All requests are POSTs
- Response metadata is in the body, not header (data along the lines of status = success in the body of the response)
- There are verbs in the URL (/item/42/activate, use resource instead: /item/42/status)
- The URL includes method names (URL has something like ?action=getRecentItems)
Design Doesn't Emerge from Code
According to Uncle Bob (Martin)
“One of the more insidious and persistent myths of agile development is that up-front architecture and design are bad; that you should never spend time up front making architectural decisions. That instead you should evolve your architecture and design from nothing, one test-case at a time. Pardon me, but that’s Horse Shit...there are architectural issues that need to be resolved up front. There are design decisions that must be made early. It is possible to code yourself into a very nasty cul-de-sac that you might avoid with a little forethought.”
You can and should do iterative, incremental design and development starting with a plan of where you are going and how you think that you are going to get there.
Apache Lucene and Solr 4.1 Released
Apache Lucene and Solr PMC announced another version of the Apache Lucene library and Apache Solr search server - version 4.1. This is a major release both for Apache Lucene and Apache Solr.
How to Choose the Right Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)?
Data exchanges in and between companies increase a lot. The number of applications which must be integrated increases, too. As solution, an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) can be used in almost every integration project – no matter which technologies, transport protocols, data formats, or environments such as Java or .NET are used. All integration projects can be realized in a consistent way without redundant boilerplate code. However, an ESB offers many further features, such as business process management (BPM), master data management, business activity monitoring, or big data. Plenty of ESB products are on the market which differ a lot regarding concepts, programming models, tooling, and open source vs. proprietary.
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