People's feedback on article about Worst API pricatices.
Top description of bad APIs:
- HTTP code 200 (OK) with body indicating bad results
- Inconsistencies in naming, URL patterns
- Bad documentation (like Facebooks)
The Importance of Threat Protection for RESTful Web Services
RESTful web services are closely aligned to the web itself and as such inherit all traditional threats from the web. Although network level threats are well understood and addressed by traditional firewall infrastructure, RESTful web services type APIs are also subject to content (or message) level threats: XML parsing libraries, JSON content, etc.
Trying to Understand CAP
The CAP theorem....states that such a system cannot guarantee at the same time Consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance. It is the cornerstone of modern NoSQL solutions that make various trade-offs between these qualities.
Consistency..roughly means that the clients get the same view of data
Availability is a property saying that every request to a non-failing node will return a (meaningful) response.
Partition tolerance means that the system will continue working even if any number of messages sent between nodes is lost.
Specific combinations of these qualities are discussed: P+C, A+P, A+C
"Lean Startup" Lessons for Big Companies
- One of the most important things is to have cross-functional small teams in order to have small pockets within the company that work like startups
- Another interesting aspect is different employees have different skills and the ones good at innovating and starting projects are not necessarily the ones who are interested in or skilled for later stages of the project
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